Thursday 3 May 2012

HA2 Task 6


Here is a printscreen of my first image that I manipulated using Photoshop. I removed the background as I didn't want it and just wanted the picture and the text to be the main focus. I then upped the contrast and made the over all picture quite bright. I upped the contrast so the face and the background stood out from each other. This image was for Youngminds so I wanted her to look quite depressed and down and then the text being there to say that people in the same position can get help.

Image 2 - The Brook.

This was the second image and for The Brook. I upped the contract and removed parts of the background and mirrored the original image. I did this by using tools to highlight around the girl and then copied it onto the other side. I chose this as my final idea as I liked the concept of making two mirrored images of one side of her not knowing what to do about things and the other having another idea of things. I feel this represents what The Brook are their to help you do, make decisions.

Image 3 - FRANK.  
For the final label I chose to focus on more the obvious drugs for the campaign. I took a picture of a person holding tablets in their hand trying to decide whether to take the tablets. For this all I did was filter the image so it had a different, sketchy like affect and then added text. I'd say this was the easiest of the three labels to create as I took the picture with the tablets already in the hand instead of layering them on the image at a later time.

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