Thursday 3 May 2012

HA2 Task 6


Here is a printscreen of my first image that I manipulated using Photoshop. I removed the background as I didn't want it and just wanted the picture and the text to be the main focus. I then upped the contrast and made the over all picture quite bright. I upped the contrast so the face and the background stood out from each other. This image was for Youngminds so I wanted her to look quite depressed and down and then the text being there to say that people in the same position can get help.

Image 2 - The Brook.

This was the second image and for The Brook. I upped the contract and removed parts of the background and mirrored the original image. I did this by using tools to highlight around the girl and then copied it onto the other side. I chose this as my final idea as I liked the concept of making two mirrored images of one side of her not knowing what to do about things and the other having another idea of things. I feel this represents what The Brook are their to help you do, make decisions.

Image 3 - FRANK.  
For the final label I chose to focus on more the obvious drugs for the campaign. I took a picture of a person holding tablets in their hand trying to decide whether to take the tablets. For this all I did was filter the image so it had a different, sketchy like affect and then added text. I'd say this was the easiest of the three labels to create as I took the picture with the tablets already in the hand instead of layering them on the image at a later time.

HA2 Task 5

HA2 Task 4

Monday 16 April 2012

HA3 - Evaluation

HA3 Tasks Evaluation.
HA3 was all about Hip Hop Shakespeare. Putting a modern twist on Romeo and Juliet. A big part of this unit was making research and interpreting things ourselves. Our task was to create six images, each for a certain scene in Romeo and Juliet, we had to modernise the scenes however. We had to create these images on Illustrator.
 We had to be creative and come up with all of our own ideas. We had to base all of our ideas around what happens in our city, Manchester.
Our first task on this particular unit was to devise a plan of how we were going to use our time to make sure all of the tasks get completed on time. We then had to blog this.
The first part of the second task was to make research into what we think Romeo and Juliet would be like if it was to happen now. For example I chose gang violence and music where people DJ against each other to win things etc to put a mordern twist on things. From this I produced two moodboards and put them onto Blogger.
The other part of the second task was to collect images off the internet that we want to use and merge with other pictures on Photoshop to then use in Illustrator. For me, I chose 2 or 3 images to make into one image. I had to create six of these images and then uploaded them to blogger as evidence.
For the final task, I had to trace over the images in Illustrator. This took a long time as I still wasn't very used to using Illustrator so was still quite uncomfortable with the tasks I was being given. I went over the deadline for this assignment so chose to come in on my days off to complete the work. Once finished tracing over the images I then had to add colour. I completed this task by using the pen tool and the fill tool. I then uploaded these images to the blog when complete.
In the end I ending up going back over my six traces and re-doing them as I felt I was more comfortable in Illustrator now and could improve them quite a bit. This took me about a day today, When I re-opened them to improve them I could clearly see that there was a lot of white parts where I had missed out filling so I filled them and then deleted some of the bodies I had traced as they didn’t look very neat.
Over all I’m happy with the new outcome of the six images as I feel they have improved a lot since first trying to do them. I also feel more comfortable and happy working in Illustrator now so I’m glad I made the time to go back over my work to try get the best results possible.
At the start of this assignment I felt really uncomfortable and felt I would be unable to complete the tasks to a good standard but now I feel I have done quite well and have done the work to the best of my ability. If I were to do these tasks again I would panic less and plan my time out more efficiently. I think a big part of me not completing this work on time was not planning the time properly, I didn't really think it through that well.
Now I feel a lot more confident when using Illustrator and now what all of the basic tools are for and most of the more complicated tools. I feel if I was to re-do this task over it would take me half the actual time it took me first time round as I was too nervous on Illustrator as I was new to the software.